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Sulthan Al Aziz

Penulis blog

Welcome to my blog everyone! Mau kenalin ini blog saya yang gak penting-penting banget. Joinned to blogger since 2011. Lupa cerita gimana awalnya bisa ngeblog dan bisa bertahan sampe sekarang. Dan yang udah dateng, selamat membaca para pembaca setia (ya I know I have no one). I write something in here just for fun, so... jangan dibawa serius banget, okey? Terima kasih udah dateng, tinggalkan komentar ya.



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Pesawat Kertas

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Read more my another posts!

Satu Temu, Seribu Rindu

Satu temu
Sunda, antara Jawa dan Sumatera
Seribu rindu
Hanya jari menari di gawai

Tak nampak, namun tali terutas
Tak terasa, namun saling menjaga
Diam kita bersama
Memeluk angin terasa

Mari berlomba mengejar matahari
Mungkin kita akan bertemu di satu atmosfer
Dingin dan panas, tapi tetap dua
Lalu hangat sampai akhir waktu

Bisakah kita kembali ke baris pertama?
Tuk bertemu
Bisakah kita kembali ke baris ketiga?
Melepas rindu

- 15 Desember 2017 -


I’m floating up in the sea, on the brown sailing boat with 2 white sails. No green, just blue and white, Sometime it turns be orange. But your pink lip has been never fading away from my head. One bite is comparable to one ocean. Nothing’s going to make you change in my wildest imagination. Bad, bad women on gentlemen’s mind.

For 7 days I’ve been drinking rainwater, against monster fish, eat their raw meat. 24 hours is nothing for now. I wish you were here, whatever we stuck in the sea, caves, or maze, how long is it, as long as I could get your convenience, I hope it is everlasting peace.

I just doing monolog own my own. In the morning, I’m talking to the rhyme of waves "the sun is very hot. Could you goes down?” and in the night to the Milky Way, wondering “where will I dock?” Then I expect they replied my thought, “In front of you. It’s Her”. And somehow the wind in my hair, and let the wind carry my canoe. Then I fell asleep.

I’ve been hopeless, I don’t wanna live on this canoe forever, however I afraid of suicide. For a month I am looking for land with many foods, river milk or gold cave. Will you be my isle? To be my abode to live. To support and be a pillar of this lonely life. Holding on to you. Our finger tied each other, we close our eyes, we’re hugging, very tight, and I can scent you smell.

My lips get closer to her right ear and whisper “I know I’m foolish, selfish, and idiot. But, from the deepest of my heart, there’s a woman that I want to give a smile every morning. Give a support whenever she feels down. Make you happy whenever she cries, and in the night give her a kiss goodnight on her forehead when you are in my arm. That woman is you. If you’re ever in my arms again, you can go wherever you like, you can meet your friend with no jealously from me, you don’t need to obey my rule, it’s your life. You can be yourself. Isn’t too much to ask? No, I’m trying to set you free.

Wherever you are, I really miss you, really.

I've been writing this story for 6 month, and I'm sorry for bad grammar and vocabulary. see you in another post.

Any comments?


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